Amazzing Club For Personal
Terms and Conditions on Personal Membership of Amazzing Club for Personal
The Amazzing Club For Personal (hereinafter referred to as “Amazzing Club”) hereby cordially asks you to read the content of this Agreement in detail for the protection of your rights and privileges as a member. Please click to select the Agree” key after reading this Agreement thoroughly for your joining the Amazzing Club as a member. Once you elect to joint Amazzing Club, it shall be deemed your full agreement with the special offer and services provided by Amazzing Club and related institutions in cooperation (hereinafter referred to as “Amazzing Club and partner institutions”).
Note to information contained in the website:
  1. The Amazzing Club website, APP for mobile devices, and the extended connection to websites of partner institutions (hereinafter referred to as “Amazzing Club Website”) will provide complete information on the hotels and restaurants under the management of Cathay Hospitality Management System (hereinafter referred to as “CHM and CHM Group Companies”), including information on tourist traveling, hotel lodging, and food and beverage services.
  1. The special offer and services of the Amazzing Club Website is applicable to the adults defined by the laws of relevant host countries only. Minors in those countries shall require the reading and understanding of this Agreement by parents (or guardians) before admission to membership of Amazzing Club Personal. The expression of consent on this Agreement shall be deemed your agreement with the content of this document for using, ordering and purchasing products and services from the Amazzing Club Website and enjoy the rights and perform the obligations as customers. 
  1. The Amazzing Club may notify you of any subsequent revision or alteration of the content of this Agreement at any time. You are advised to pay attention to possible change and revision. Should you elect to continue to use the services for members after reading the revision or alteration of this Agreement, it shall be deemed your thorough reading, understanding and consent of such revision or alteration.
  1. By the time you express you consent or participate in the Amazzing Club Website, you agree to duly observe the clauses of the Amazzing Club Website and the terms and conditions contained therein, and to not use wording, language or pictures containing elements of humiliation, libel, intimidation, discrimination or any other wording, language, or pictures of similar nature at the writing or voice electronic communication platform of the website. CHM and Amazzing Club reserve the right to delete or revise the content and disclaim any liability to the accuracy of the content on the aforementioned electronic communication platform.
Note to the use of copyright:
  1. The exclusive registered CIS trademarks and content of websites under the platforms of Amazzing Club Website, CHM Group Companies, and all third party partners firms and institutions may not be replicated, modified or disseminated by any mean without the authorization and consent of CHM and the aforementioned institutions.
  1. The intellectual property rights inherent to the files, documents, and software of Amazzing Club Website are owned by Amazzing Club Website, CHM Group Companies and third party partner firms and institutions. Your downloading or use of these files, documents, and software shall be deemed your agreement with applicable “licensing agreement” and agree to abide applicable laws in relevant host countries thereby using these files, documents, and software within the scope of licensing only.
Note to liabilities of member accounts:
  1. Any adult under applicable laws in relevant host countries or minors whose parents (or guardians) in relevant host countries have read and understood and agreed with this Agreement may join the Amazzing Club as members free of charge. Before you become a member of the Amazzing Club, you shall comply and agree with the following terms and conditions:
  • You have never been a member of the Amazzing Club, or have never been deprived of membership rights or suspension of services due the execution of accounts under arbitrary factors.
  • You shall provide accurate and update personal information at all times after joining the Amazzing Club.
  1. Each Amazzing Club member may register for one ID only and cannot register twice and cannot register for membership under the title of a third party. If the system detects repeated registration for membership, CHM and Amazzing Club reserve the right to cancel or terminate the member ID of such member. In addition, the offender should also surrender all the benefits earned under membership status (including but not limiting to bonus points and gifts).
  1. Member ID, password, and membership rights and privileges of Amazzing Club are exclusive to your discretion only. Please do not lend, assigned or used in combination with a third party. In case of repetition, misleading, unauthorized use of the name of a third party, infringement of the title of a third party, company name, trademark, or any other forms of law violation in providing your personal information, CHM and Amazzing Club may turn down your registration, or demand a correction in the aftermath, or revoke your membership rights. It is your responsibility to duly observe applicable laws, civil and criminal, of relevant host countries. CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability and obligation thereof.
  1. If you have any change in the basic member information at Amazzing Club, please access the Amazzing Club website or use the APP installed in the mobile device to update your information to protect your rights and privileges of membership. If you did not update your profile on time, to the extent that merchandise or service is delayed, e-mail is lost or cannot be used, reservation and purchase of merchandise or services from the Amazzing Club website, and other rights and privileges of members were affected, CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability thereof.
  1. CHM and Amazzing will find out your password for the Amazzing Club member accounts from the encrypted system as long as applicable laws in relevant host countries provided, and provide you assistance under authentication and authorization of legitimate information under law. Since your account is regulated by member ID and password, it is your responsibility to manage and use any content or transaction information you released or referred to the account. CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability and obligation thereof.
  1. In the event of system failure, transmission failure, malicious intercepting, missing, damage or other technical or human errors caused by the system service providers or your computer equipment, or any others that CHM and Amazzing Club shall not be held responsible, to the extent that damage is caused to communication security, credit card information, personal information, and bonus points, CHM and Amazzing Club disclaims any liability and obligation thereof. In addition, CHM and Amazzing Club reserve the right rectify, change or revoke the rights deriving from merchandise sale, hotel room booking, and related activities due to the aforementioned problems, or merchandise orders and bonus points are not being processed for whatever reasons, and disclaim any responsibility for compensation or damage.
Note to the protection of personal information:
Please consult and read carefully: Notification of Cathay Hospitality Management satisfied customer program (hereinafter referred to as the “Amazzing Club” in the collection, processing, and use of personal information and statement of consent.
Information on consent of using personal information: Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Information and Statement of Consent
Note to membership validation:
  1. Members are advised to download the Amazzing Club exclusive mobile APP, and install, execute, and use the APP. Once this procedure is completed, the system will be a virtual membership card in lieu of a physical membership card. Whenever you arrive at a CHM and Amazzing Club hotel, restaurant, and partner institutions and exercise the right and enjoy the service of members, you may be asked to prove your Amazzing Club member identity, or other photo ID (such as ID card, passport, of national health insurance card) to authenticate your membership identity and provide you exclusive membership services
  1. Amazzing Club Website:
  1. Amazzing Club exclusive APP:
Note to categories of membership and related benefits:
  1. Amazzing Club members are entitled to exclusive privileges and bonus points by type of membership.
  1. The membership type and rules for upgrade are specified below:
  • Classic: Free membership and valid permanently.
  • Honor: Staying from 10 times to 24 times every year;
    or, lodging from 25 nights to 49 nights every year. Validity is one year.
  • Master: Staying at least 25 times every year;
    or, lodging at least 50 nights every year. Validity is one year.
  1. Membership is classified below with corresponding bonus points entitlement:
  • Classic: Spending of every NT$20 will earn 1 bonus point (the amount falling below NT$20 will not be counted for this purpose).
  • Honor: Spending of every NT$18 will earn 1 bonus point (the amount falling below NT$18 will not be counted for this purpose).
  • Master: Spending of every NT$16 will earn 1 bonus point (the amount falling below NT$16 will not be counted for this purpose).
  1. Of all types of Amazzing Club personal membership, Classic is freely granted permanently, Honor and Master is valid for one year from the month of upgrade. If specific member cannot satisfy all the requirements of membership or upgrade in the year after the upgrade, such member will be resumed to the previous membership status from the same month of the next year (and so forth).
Note to bonus points:
  1. Amazzing Club bonus points can be earned if the requirements for Amazzing Club personal bonus points are satisfied. Bonus points can be redeemed for merchandise or as credit for consumption.
  1. For earning Amazzing Club bonus points, members shall satisfy the requirement of consumption with payment in conformity to the requirement of the Amazzing Club on earning personal bonus points by spending on lodging in designated rooms and for food and beverages (excluding service charge). Each bill for consumption shall at least amount to NT$20 so as to earn bonus point under membership status. Qualified spending on hotel rooms include: room rent and expenses incurred from upgrade of room, early check-in and late check-out, conference and banquets (food and beverages for small banquet of 19 persons or less),additional bed, and extra breakfast service.
  1. Amazzing Club bonus points are incentives for members without payment. Amazzing Club members cannot demand for redemption of the bonus points in the member accounts into cash and cannot refer the bonus points for trading or transactions publicly or privately, or request Amazzing Club to redeem the bonus points into cash, merchandises, or bonus points and other services through other unqualified channels. CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability, obligation, compensation and damage deriving from any act or transaction in violation of the regulations for the Amazzing Club bonus point system.
  1. Amount of spending not qualified for earning Amazzing Club personal bonus points includes but is not limited to: special offer package, group price merchandises, hotel room booking and spending on food and beverages through the channels of a third party beyond the official websites of CHM and Amazzing Club, spending on special offer hotel room or coupon for food and beverages, conference and banquets (except for food and beverages for small banquet of 19 persons or less), free of charge hotel rooms, food and beverages or from redemption with bonus points, or coupons, limousine service, activities of special programs, and additional spending on recreational facilities, purchase or cash+bonus point redemption of hotel souvenirs or guest room amenities, and the expenses incurred from cancellation of reservation or booking of hotel rooms and tables for foods with no show.All the above will not be qualified for redemption of Amazzing Club bonus points.
Qualified spending on hotels rooms for earning Amazzing Club personal bonus points will be limited to one room for one Amazzing Club member at the same period of time for hotel lodging. There will be no repetition in the accumulation of bonus points.
  1. Amazzing Club bonus points will be credited to your membership account within 7 working days (excluding weekends and recognized holidays) after you checked out and settled the payment. The system of the service supplier will automatically transfer the bonus point into your Amazzing Club membership account.
  1. In using cash for transactions or redemption for merchandise, an Amazzing Club member may cancel the transaction with payment for whatever reasons or due to force majeure, which compels the members to cancel the book for refund instantaneously or later, CHM and Amazzing Club reserve the right to cancel the bonus points that could have been earned from such transaction.
  1. The Amazzing Club membership bonus points for matching cash transactions or for exchange for merchandises in whole or in part may be cancelled by CHM and Amazzing Club if any party or under force majeure that such transactions or exchange should be paid for or partly paid for, with cancellation of ordering or refund instantaneously or subsequently. The bonus points used for completing the transactions of merchandises in whole or in part cannot be changed and the bonus points will not be returned. CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability, obligation, compensation and damage thereof.
  1. Personal membership of Amazzing Club is permanent. The bonus points you earned from qualified spending at your Amazzing Club membership account will be accumulated from the month of redemption and will expire after a period of 2 years. Likewise, the bonus points earned in the period of bonus point accumulation will be good for 2 years from the day the bonus point is earned (and so forth). Offering bonus points as gifts, transfer or merging of bonus points, or bonus points earned from specific marketing events, will be governed by relevant rules and regulations of related events.
  1. For information on the upgrade of any Amazzing Club personal member, please read the Amazzing Club bonus point regulations in full detail.
Note to transfer of bonus points:
  1. Amazzing Club bonus points may be transferred only over the member website. The recipients of bonus point transfer are only limited to other member accounts of Amazzing Club designated by the transferring members.
  1. If specific Amazzing Club member has registered more than one account, the bonus points of such member cannot be transferred. Amazzing Club reserves the right to cancel or terminate all other extra accounts being registered. The offender has to surrender all the benefits earned from these additional member accounts (including but not limiting to bonus point, and gifts).
  1. Once completing the membership registration as a member of Amazzing Club, members may proceed to bonus point transfer. The bonus points being transferred will be immediately tracked on record. You may make inquiry on your Amazzing Club account or use such portion of bonus points later.
  1. Amazzing Club members shall transfer at least 500 points at one time and in its multiples (such as 1,000 points, 1,500 points). There is no upper limit for number of bonus point transfer. However, the number of bonus points being transferred cannot be changed and cannot be returned. Members may use the bonus points within 3 months from the date of tracking on record of the transfer (and so forth).
Note to merger and endorsement:
  1. Amazzing Club members may get bonus points from or endorsed by another third party partner institutions or companies, including but not limiting to: Amazzing Club Website and partners of mobile device APP, some licensed credit card companies, shopping website, and airline companies. Any bonus point acquired through endorsement, bonus point merging, merchandise trade or other services will unconditionally be regulated by the Amazzing Club clauses and the clauses of related third party partner institutions or companies.
  2. Bonus points acquired by Amazzing Club members through mergers or endorsements are only for Amazzing Club members agreed and authorized form the import or mergers of the bonus point in the personal member account, and not applicable to inter-account transfer to designated accounts. If a specific Amazzing Club member has registered more than one account, the bonus points of such member cannot be merged or endorsed in the calculation. The Amazzing Club reserves the right to cancel or terminate all other extra accounts being registered. The offender has to surrender all the benefits earned from these additional member accounts (including but not limiting to bonus point, and gifts).
  1. Once completing the registration of membership of Amazzing Club, members can engage in cross-platform merger or endorsement of bonus points. The bonus points being merged or endorsed will be tracked on record within 30 working days after the transactions. You may make an inquiry on your Amazzing Club account or use such portion of bonus points later.
  1. The bonus points merged or endorsed across different platforms by members within the validity of Amazzing Club membership are valid for 3 months from the months of book entry. These points cannot be returned, and the transaction cannot be changed (and so forth).
  2. The bonus points imported from Cathay United Bank will be merged or endorsed in the ratio of: “1,000 points of Cathay Bank bonus for 125 Amazzing Club bonus points”, and the minimum quantity of Cathay Bank bonus points for import is 1,000 points and its multiples, such as 2,000 points, and 3,000 points (and so forth). Cathay United Bank corporate card cannot be redeemed online. Please visit the website of Cathay United Bank at or call the customer service hotline of the bank at 886-2-2383-1000 for service and information.
Note to foreign exchange rate conversion:
If you participate in the Amazzing Club bonus point campaign using a currency other than the functional currency of the ROC, the bonus points you earned will be based on the designated exchange rate of Amazzing Club for conversion into NTD in the calculation of “qualified amount”. Such exchange rate may be the rate used by the restaurants or hotels in participation or cooperation with Amazzing Club at the time you checked in or checked out, or paid the bill at the restaurants, or the rate designated by Amazzing Club. This exchange rate may be different from the exchange rate as stated in your Amazzing Club membership statement.
Note to change in merchandises:
CHM, Amazzing Club, mobile APP and extended partner institutions may announce information on merchandises over the websites (including the points, price, description, pictures, and conditions for earning bonus points). In case of errors, such as language used in different websites, technical operation, data missing, CHM and Amazzing Club reserve the right the rectify, remove or substitute the merchandises involved. The prices and quantities of merchandises may vary under bidding, CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability and obligation for giving further notice.
Note to delivery of merchandises:
  1. In processing the order or redemption of physical merchandises through the Amazzing Club website or exclusive mobile APP by Amazzing Club members, members are advised to contact Amazzing Club if no merchandise can be received within 30 working days after the application day for inquiry and tracking your orders so as to protect your rights and privileged. If you make inquiry beyond such period (based on the allowable period for tracking parcels by courier services), CHM and Amazzing Club may not be able to help you to trace the mail or parcel. Likewise, the bonus points already redeemed cannot be returned.
  1. In placing an order or redeeming for physical merchandise, Amazzing Club members should contact Amazzing Club and return the merchandises within 7 working days on receiving the merchandise if the wrong item was sent, defects of the merchandise not caused by human errors, or damage in delivery. Amazzing Club will assist in the replace of merchandises of the same kind or same value.
  1. If the merchandise ordered or redeemed by Amazzing Club members were delivered to designated address with signed receipt, CHM and Amazzing Club disclaim any liability and damage due to the missing, damage, or wrong delivery of merchandises. Likewise, the bonus points already redeemed cannot be returned.