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Corporate Social Responsibility

January 2017
Popa Mountain Resort

The managment and staff of Popa Mountain Resort join in the clean
up of Mount Popa after the December Hiking Event.

February 2017
Aureum Palace and Hotel, Pyin Oo Lwin


- Staff offering to the Praying Ceremony of Padamyar Monastery
- All staff and employees joined in the Sticky Rice Competition and  
  offered sticky rice to Maha Ant Htoo Khan Than Hsu Taung Pyae 
  Budda image at Padamyar Monastery
- All department heads participated in the tree planting activity
- Labor Organization Forum and celebration of all employees 
  who are born in February,

March 2017
Myanmar Treasure Resort, Bagan

The staff of Myanmar Treasure Resort, Bagan donated                         
and towels.                     


March 2017
Popa Mountain Resort


The staff of Popa Mountain Resort cleans the Pyi Aung San Stupa   
and Maha Pwint Lin Stupa.  
They also celebrated the birthday of its staff who were
born in the month of March.                  

February 2017
Myanmar Treasure Resort, Inle

Myanmar Treasure Resort, Inle and staffs donates 27 pairs of                    
desks and chairs to Basic Education High School, Mein
Thauk as their contribition of the regional development. 

March 4, 2017
Malikha Lodge 
Team members from Malikha Lodge repainted the Su Na Ma Ni Stupa,    
located at the middle of Fairy Island and donated to the monastery
where the Su Na Ma Ni Stupa is located.